Data Capture: Free Counting



In-store customer counting & profiling.

Keep track how many customers are in your store.

Gather critical customer profiling data.

Count customers in store, authorize or stop entry.

Ensure you maintain the right number of customers in Store. system counts customers entries and tells customers not to enter when the quota is reached.

Maximize revenue per customer

Start collecting your customers profiles (age, gender, etc) at zero cost to build up your store data and develop powerful AI product recommenders.

Better Targeting for Better Results

Brands who collect in-store data about customers looking at their products are able better target prospective customers at a local level, focusing advertising dollars where they count.

Get Real Time Product Recommendations

Leverage your profiling data to generate real time product recommendations. Recommendations are made directly to clients on a zero touch screen or to sales associates on a Clienteling app.

Data Based Product Decisions

Recommender systems, similar to the one you use on Amazon, are only as good as their data.

Stores are data rich. Create anonymous customer profiles to greatly enhance your ability to build long lasting connections with your customers.

Are you collecting enough in-store data?

Organize a free audit.

2 hours Q&A Session.

We deliver a benchmark of the data you collect and the data you should be collecting in store.

Collect In-Store Data in 3 steps.

1. We work with you to build an interactive in-store digital application with our proprietary software in few hours.

2.Install interactive tablets in store to capture customer profiles.

3. AI analyses real-time consumer data to understand who they are and make real-time recommendations.

FREE installation. Keep all the data the system collects.

In-Store analytics: The ultimate data.

Turn store rich data in a powerful data capture tool. 

Create accurate customers profile dataset.

Reduce ad spent and refine social media targeting.